Husband + bebe + pups. There are others of course, but today these are the few that are on my mind.
This life is fickle and fleeting. My work is a three day a week reminder of this sobering fact. I need to aim more love and happiness at the above mentioned people (and animals).
And apparently.....
Little Lovely takes being a quarter Mexican pretty seriously. She insisted on wearing her Mexican Fiesta Dress to her first ever family reunion.
{She was obviously pleased with her apparent Mexicanity}
However, a short thirty minutes later she became overly aware of the inherent itchiness of her par-tay attire and let everyone at the park know that she would much prefer the comfort of her onzie and snuggle blanket.
{I love that she smiles with her eyes}
Another item of interest. Everyone, Esperanza. Esperanza, everyone.
Also known as Hope, for those of us in the family who are a little rusty with our Spanish.
{Life is Good}
time out. seriously? a new dog??? is this true??
Not our dog! Oh, goodness, no!
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