Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Birthday GG!

Since we don't live in the same town as our GG, we had to get creative.

It started simply enough - let's make a sign and take some sweet pictures.

BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;
~But that quickly turned into this~
BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;
~So we went on with our day and brought our sign with us, in the car~
BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;
~To the park~
BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;
~To the docks to see the boats~
BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;
~And finally we passed out after our adventures~
BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The little things

It's not that I don't want my babies getting older, or for time to stand still, or for them to stay small forever. I enjoy watching the two peanuts learn new things and I enjoy seeing them change - I just don't want to forget.

I won't forget when I brought each of them home.

I won't forget Savana meeting Judah for the first time.

I won't forget their first birthdays.

But bath time at 14 months - that I may lose. So I chronicle the little things through my lens in hopes of keeping moments with me. BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Be Brave.

The other day I met a very young lady, no older than six. We had to leave her parents behind as we trekked on down to the MRI scanner, just her and I. We chatted about life - princesses, puppies, and the color purple. At one point during our very in depth discussion she paused for quite some time. I ask her what she was thinking to which she replied:

"I am scared right now, but I'm trying to be brave."

I hope my babies have it in them to be brave.

BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;

Someday, baby girl, when you are a famous musician, be it drummer, pianist, concert jazz flutist, please remember these photos.

  BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;
BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash; BETHANY ELEANOR | P H O T O: Blog Photos &emdash;
Say what you wanna say 
And let the words fall out 
Honestly I wanna see you be brave 
 With what you want to say 
And let the words fall out 
Honestly I wanna see you be brave 

 I just wanna see you 
I just wanna see you 
I just wanna see you 
I wanna see you be brave

~ S. Bareilles

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

' Tar {Guitar}

Let me start by putting it out that my husband does not play the guitar. I do not play the guitar. We are currently housing three different guitars in our downstairs music room.

Somehow one of these instruments made its way up to our living room in hopes that someone would learn to play it. Apparently my husband and Lovely have decided to take that charge upon themselves and are learning the 'tar' together. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

To my Madre

Happy Birthday to the most wonderful-amazing-loving mom in the entire world. You are who I strive to be like and I am continuously thankful that my children have you to love and be loved by. 

"I do color for Grammy"

P. S. Sorry that this is a day late

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Love, lights & happiness.

The mom of one of my patients told me that her child, despite multiple physical and mental challenges, continues to see the world for all of the love, light and happiness in it. This thought continues to repeat itself over and over in my head. I can only pray that these two little beating hearts can find it in themselves to look out into the world through similar glasses.

I woke up this morning to Lovely saying, repeatedly, ocean-ocean-ocean. Such an innocent request from such a doe-eyed baby - I couldn't resist. 

{She was very proud of this mound, until the waves broke it down}
 {Little Bear's feet 'n' mine}