Friday, July 22, 2011

Beat the heat

It's a whopping 73 degrees outside. Yowza. I need an Ice Cold Coke. Capitalized because it is that important.

Before passing judgment, know that this is coming from a girl who is used to her year round 60 degree weather. (Pause for a moment and soak in how incredibly wonderful this really is). I think I may have broken a sweat. A very lady like sweat, of course. 

I haven't always been such a wimp - to my credit I grew up with 100+ degree summers, living poolside for a solid three months each year. But I've thankfully acclimated to this wonderful coastal weather and have thus wussified myself when it comes to heat.

Dramatic Ducks! (Sidenote - go Oregon! You can't mention ducks without this exclamation. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, you need to bone up)

When Little Lovely has her own bathroom these pictures will be the inspiration for decoration.

{Mr. E. Duck. 
Get it?}

Now that Love is getting a little bigger and a lot more expressive (actually, to be correct I should say 'a lot bigger and A LOT more expressive) it's crazy to see my hubby and myself come out in her.

Top picture is totally his smile. Completely. And I'm pretty sure the bottom picture is going to be her 'I'm into mischief....but I'm cute so it's okay' face. Can't put a pin in who she got this from. But my gut is to blame her dad. And the dog. But that's only because the dog is my main go-to for blame in this household. No logical path from the origins of Lovely's mischief face and the Beagle. Off the hook for this one.

Again, all her dad. I'm starting to think people are going to peg me as the nanny instead of the mom.

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