Friday, July 1, 2011


I rank my migraines. Most of the time they seem to be competing for that coveted first place position - however, few are able to actually break into that spot. The reigning champ had been so for about three years until it was ousted on Tuesday. I was visiting my husband at work and was suddenly, utterly incapacitated. My husband drove me home, all the while I am throwing up into a Lamborghini branded clear baggy which had once held nuts/bolts/etc for this mighty vehicle (the irony of this does not elude me)....

~ Just to clarify, my husband works on these cars - he doesn't own one. I don't want anyone getting the wrong impression here ~

...Roughly three months ago I pushed my baby out. My husband was in the room for the entire birth and saw sides of me that no person has seen before, but, for some reason, the thought of him watching me throw up in the car just feet away made me incredibly embarrassed. But it happened, regardless of my feelings on the matter. Upon reaching our apartment I shamefully scooted on up to our room and curled up in a ball under the covers of our bed to sleep away the throbbing in my head.

Fast forward three hours.  

I wake from my migraine coma only to find......groceries had been purchased. Laundry had been done. The baby was enjoying some daddy-n-me time with a full belly and clean diaper. This, folks, is love. Live and in living color.

I leave you with the latest photo of my little love -


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so excited for this blog, updates when we can't chat! bummer migraine, but amazing writing may i add, and awesome husband.

Oh and the I sense a little chub added onto her face? LOVE.

annachristine said...

Love this! I feel somehow apart of your life and continued burden of head ailments. You are turning into a really really really great photographer (slightly jealous) and I am enjoying how beautiful your Savannah is! I miss your family :-)!