Thursday, July 14, 2011

Postcard - Updated with Winners!

Are you kidding? This picture is just a postcard waiting to be brought to life.

Okay folks.  Here's the skinny: 

Contest going on with this picture on facebook and on my blog. Please caption this photo so I can make postcards! All those who contribute and supply me with a mailing address ( or via facebook message) will get a hand addressed postcard with the winning caption! I know....minimal glamor here, but fun, none-the-less! 


{First Place: Chris, one of the Uncles}

{Second Place: Chase, the other Uncle}

Go Figure.


Elizabeth D. said...

Hahah love them both! What a fun little contest :)

Anonymous said...

These are great! I want a postcard, you have my address right? Although I do need a pic with Savana and I...we need some bonding time. This summer is just way too busy for us.